Mission Statement:

At DevotedLife Ministries our mission is to passionately draw people closer to God and spread the light of His love worldwide through evangelism, charity, fellowships, Christian movies, and a network of dedicated volunteer evangelists. As a non-profit faith-based organization, we are committed to transforming lives and winning souls for Christ, fostering a global community of believers united in their faith and service.

Our Core Values:

  1. Faith in God: We firmly believe in the power of faith and prayer as foundational elements in our journey to draw people nearer to God.
  2. Evangelism: We are dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people from all walks of life, promoting spiritual awakening and salvation.
  3. Compassion: We extend compassion and support to those in need, engaging in charitable initiatives that uplift communities and bring hope to the vulnerable.
  4. Fellowship: We foster an inclusive and welcoming environment where individuals can grow spiritually through meaningful relationships and mutual support.
  5. Christian Media: We utilize the power of Christian movies and media to inspire, educate, and edify people on their faith journey.
  6. Global Outreach: We aspire to have volunteer evangelists across the globe, empowering them to impact their local communities positively.
  7. DevotedLife Worship: Our Worship Team is dedicated to creating authentic and soul-stirring Christian worship albums. These musical expressions of praise and adoration are crafted to uplift spirits, draw individuals closer to God, and inspire a deeper connection with Him

Our Mandate:

  1. Evangelism: We commit to reaching out to people everywhere, spreading the message of God’s grace, forgiveness, and eternal love.
  2. Charity: We actively engage in philanthropic efforts, addressing the physical and emotional needs of those facing hardships, providing aid, and uplifting lives.
  3. Fellowships: We cultivate a sense of belonging and spiritual growth by organizing gatherings, events, and discipleship programs.
  4. Christian Movies: We produce and promote wholesome Christian movies that reflect the values and teachings of Jesus Christ, influencing hearts and minds for good.
  5. Global Volunteer Network: We establish a robust network of volunteer evangelists, equipping and empowering them with the necessary tools and resources to be effective in their mission.
  6. Crusades: Through crusades we witness the wonderful works of Jesus, souls saved…These gatherings are not just events; they’re powerful moments of faith, healing, and transformation.

Through our unwavering commitment to our mission and values, we aim to make a profound impact on individuals, families, and communities worldwide, leading them to experience God’s transformative love and grace. Together, we can fulfill the Great Commission and witness lives being touched, hearts being changed, and souls being won for eternity.

Vision Statement:

Our vision at DevotedLife Ministries is to see a world transformed by the love of God Almighty, where people from all walks of life are drawn closer to Him, souls are won through evangelism, and lives are enriched through acts of charity, fellowship, and powerful Christian media.
We envision a global community united in faith, where our volunteer evangelists passionately share the Gospel, and our worship albums inspire hearts to worship and praise the Almighty. With unwavering dedication, we strive to create a lasting impact, making the world a better place one soul at a time, as we walk hand in hand with God in this divine journey of love and service.